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choice piece 2

Indalayah Yasmeen Wilson

Ms. Yeganegi

World literature

August 29, 2016


We in America have many different cultures and beliefs. Cultures are more than language, dress, and food customs. Cultural groups may share race, ethnicity, or

nationality they are what defines people. Cultural influences and identities become important depending on context. When an aspect of cultural identity is threatened

or misunderstood, it may become relatively more important than other cultural identities and this fixed, narrow identity may become the focus of stereotyping,

negative projection, and conflict. This is a very common situation in intractable conflicts in our world today there are over millions cultures that have developed

overtime. we have cultures that may seem bizarre to us but meaningful to them. there cultures like long neck women, tradition where men cut off their fingers, also

where people eat the ashes of the dead villagers. weird and crazy right our cultures and traditions define us as people. sometimes people may judge and criticize

others for what they believe and their cultures and tradition. it not nice to do that because everyone is different and have the freedom to have any culture they want.

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